The Bookstore Course Material Deferred Partial Payment Agreement allows students attending UMBC (with valid UMBC ID) the opportunity to partially pay for their Course Materials during the first two weeks of the semester and pay the balance owed via UMBC student account in October (Fall)/April (Spring). Course Materials are any materials needed for a course; examples are textbooks, ancillaries, clickers, art supplies, and lab supplies.

Last day to apply for Fall 2021: Sept. 10, 2021

Last day to apply for Spring 2022: Feb 4, 2022

Term of Agreement:

  • The person applying is at least 18 years of age and a currently enrolled UMBC student.
  • The person applying understands that they are entering into this Bookstore Course Material Deferred Partial Payment Agreement with UMBC, on behalf of the UMBC Bookstore, in order to presently make a partial payment (pay half in store) for their Course Materials and to defer the remaining (second half) balance owed.
  • The person applying understands and agrees that they are financially responsible for the remaining balance owed for their Course Materials.
  • The person applying understands understand that the remaining balance owed will be added to my UMBC student account for payment in October (Fall)/April (Spring).
  • The person applying understands if they drop a course, they have until the end of the schedule adjustment period for a refund of their partial payment and no future obligation to the Agreement. They understand that the refund is based on the UMBC Bookstore refund policy.


For in store purchases

  • Bring a list of your courses or course material needs.
  • Go to the Course Materials Information Desk and request an application.
  • Fill out the application.
  • It can take up to an hour for the Bookstore to pull your order and processes your payment plan, during that time either peruse our Yum Shoppe or UMBC merchandise or leave a number for us to contact you when your order is ready.

For Online purchases

  • Fill out this Bookstore Course Material Deferred Partial Payment Application: CLICK HERE
  • Look for a DocuSign form in your email to sign.
  • Once we receive your signature we will email you a 2nd email with instructions on how to place an online order using your Course Material Deferred Partial Payment funds.

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